21 maart: REMA / EMD Early Music Day / Dag van de Oude Muziek

Gepubliceerd op: 20 maart 2020

Al vanaf 2013 organiseert REMA, het Europese netwerk voor oude Muziek, op 21 maart – de geboortedag van Bach – de Europese Dag van de Oude Muziek. Museum Geelvinck is lid van REMA en ondersteunt graag dit mooie initiatief. Omdat door Corona concerten door heel Europa zijn afgezegd, organiseert REMA op 21 maart livestream uitzendingen.

Streaming door REMA op 21 maart 2020: http://www.earlymusicday.eu/streamings-2020/

Prach Boondiskulchok: Joseph Haydn on Heilmann fortepiano 1780-1790, Geelvinck Music Museum Zutphen.

Marcel Worms: Wohltemperierte Klavier, Preludes en Fuga’s Boek 1. om 11 uur, 16 uur en 20.15 uur

Brighton Early Music Festival 2020 : Renaissance Music on a Grand Scale goes viral, Facebook, 19.30h.

Noorderkerkconcerten: Duo Jacobs & van der Voort: theorbe en barokviool om 13.45 via Facebook

REMA & Geelvinck

REMA – Réseau Européen de la Musique Ancienne –  functioneert Europa-breed als een verbindend netwerk tussen uiteenlopende initiatieven op het gebeid van de vroege / klassieke muziek. De grenzen zijn niet hard afgebakend, maar fluide. Zo is Museum Geelvinck lid geworden van REMA, hoewel de fortepiano niet echt meer tot de ‘oude muziek’ gerekend wordt, maar wel de brug vormt tussen Barok en Klassiek. REMA vormt een platform waar betrokkenen uit heel Europa in het veld van de oude /vroege / klassieke muziek elkaar vinden, samenwerken en ervaringen uitwisselen.

Early Music Day

On 21 March 2020, day of the spring solstice and birth date of Johann Sebastian Bach, Early Music Day, a REMA initiative, will celebrate a heritage that spans over 1000 years of musical history, from the music of the Middle Ages to the XVIII century, and the vitality of its community today.

We are delighted to announce that the British violin player Rachel Podger will be the ambassador of Early Music Day 2020. Her contribution of baroque and classical music as a performer, director, as well as her work in education and for her festival Brecon Baroque, make her a leading voice in the world of Early Music and a great representative of the energy and passion that bring the Early Music community together.

For the eighth time, on 21 March, birth date of Johann Sebastian Bach and first day of Spring, Europe and the world join in to celebrate Early Music with the people who love it. Early Music Day showcases a diversity of events, from academic conferences to school projects, high-end ensembles concerts and quirky amateur performers videos … There is something in it for everyone! Online streaming and social media make the events available to all, wherever they are, and turn 21 March into a meeting date for the Early Music community worldwide!

Through the website www.earlymusicday.eu, any individual or organisation that is willing to join can register their contribution and add it to the list of Early Music Day events.

The project is promoted and coordinated by REMA/EEMN, the European Early Music Network, that gathers around 90 festivals and concert halls specialised in Early Music across Europe. REMA’s mission is to foster partnerships between members and give a dedicated space to the people who make Early Music happen and defend its importance as a common European heritage.

REMA Live streams 21 maart 2020

REMA stelt zijn platform ter beschikking om op 21 maart live muziek te laten horen. Nu door de Corona pandemie overal concertuitvoeringen zijn afgelast, biedt het internet nieuwe mogelijkheden om toch live uitvoeringen mee te beleven.

REMA nodigt uit tot a celebration of the living European historical musical heritage!
Any organisation, individual, artist, fan or ensemble, is invited to participate by hosting an event (concert, workshop, conference…) linked to early music on 21 March 2020.
Please note that to be registered as an event on our website, Early Music Day needs to be mentioned on your event (you will find the logos in the communication kit)

Register your event: on the REMA website and fill in the registration form

You can also simply participate digitally ! For that you don’t need to register, just use #earlymusicday or #earlymusicday2020 or tag @earlymusicnetwork on your Facebook or Instagram posts on 21 March.

To see what happened in 2019 or download the communication kit for 2020, go to the EMD Website: http://earlymusicday.eu

